Card Deactivation

Learn the differences between card deactivation, termination and freezing

There are multiple ways through which digital cards are able to be rendered inactive: deactivation, termination, and freezing.

Deactivation and Reactivation

Deactivating a card is a reversible operation. While inactive, the card will be unable to make new authorizations. Note however that any authorization which took place prior to the deactivation will still be processed. Cards can be deactivated by using the Update card endpoint and setting the active parameter to False. Similarly, a deactivated card can be reactivated using the same endpoint and setting the active parameter to True.


Only lodged cards are able to be deactivated. Virtual cards on the other hand can only be deactivated by freezing them.


Terminating a card is non-reversible, once a card is terminated, it can no longer be used. Any authorizations made after the card is terminated will fail. A card can be terminated by using the Terminate card endpoint.


Freezing a card is similar to deactivating it in that both prevent new authorizations from succeeding. Both virtual and lodged cards are able to be frozen. A frozen card can be un-frozen at any time, allowing it to function as normal once more. Cards can be frozen by using the Update card endpoint and setting the freeze parameter to True. Similarly, a frozen card can be un-frozen using the same endpoint and setting the freeze parameter to False.


Freezing is the only way in which a virtual card is able to be temporarily disabled.


Freezing a lodged card has an identical effect to deactivating it, however it is encouraged to deactivate lodged cards instead of freezing them.