JUMP TOPennyInc DBA/businessesList the businesses for the authenticated userget/businesses/{businessID}Get the details for a particular businessgetUpdate the details for a particular businessput/businesses/{businessID}/balanceGet the business balance detailsget/cardsList the cards for the authenticated usergetCreate a new cardpost/cards/binsRetrieve the list of currently active BINsget/cards/{cardID}Retrieve details for a specific cardgetUpdate details for a specific cardputTerminate an active carddelete/cards/{cardID}/transactionsRetrieve the transactions for a specific cardget/cards/{cardID}/historyRetrieve the version history for a specific cardget/eventsList the events for the authenticated userget/events/{eventID}Retrieve details for a specific eventget/events/{eventID}/historyRetrieve the version history for a specific eventget/events/{eventID}/replayRequest that a webhook event be resentpost/fundingsList the fundings for the authenticated userget/fundings/{fundingID}Retrieve details for a specific fundinggetUpdate details for a specific fundingput/fundings/{fundingID}/historyRetrieve the version history for a specific fundingget/transactionsList the transactions for the authenticated userget/transactions/{transactionID}Retrieve details for a specific transactiongetUpdate details for a specific transactionput/transactions/{transactionID}/historyRetrieve the version history for a specific transactionget/transfersList the transfers for the authenticated userget/transfers/{transferID}Retrieve details for a specific transfergetUpdate details for a specific transferput/transfers/{transferID}/historyRetrieve the version history for a specific transferget/walletsList the wallets for the authenticated usergetCreate a new walletpost/wallets/transfer_fundsTransfer funds from one wallet to anotherpost/wallets/{walletID}Retrieve details for a specific walletgetUpdate the details of a given walletputDeactivate or delete a walletdelete/wallets/{walletID}/historyRetrieve the version history for a specific walletget/webhooksList the webhooks for the authenticated usergetCreate a new webhookpost/webhooks/{webhookID}Retrieve details for a specific webhookgetUpdate the details of a given webhookputDeactivate or delete a webhookdelete/webhooks/{webhookID}/historyRetrieve the version history for a specific webhookgetPennyInc DBA Simulation/simulate/purchase/authenticateSimulate the authentication of a purchase on a card.post/simulate/purchase/declineSimulate a new purchase being declined on a card.post/simulate/purchase/expireSimulate the expiration of an authenticated purchase on a card.post/simulate/purchase/reverseSimulate the reversal of an authenticated purchase on a card. This may be the partial or full amount.post/simulate/purchase/settleSimulate the settlement of an authenticated purchase on a card. This may be the partial, full, or a greater amount.post/simulate/refund/authenticateSimulate the refund of a purchase on a card.post/simulate/refund/declineSimulate a new refund being declined on a card.post/simulate/refund/expireSimulate the expiration of an authenticated refund on a card.post/simulate/refund/reverseSimulate the reversal of an authenticated refund on a card.post/simulate/refund/settleSimulate the settlement of an authenticated refund on a card. This may be the partial, full, or a greater amount.postPowered by Request that a webhook event be resentpost https://sandbox-api.dba.thepennyinc.com/v1/events/{eventID}/replay